Monday, July 25, 2011

Best Sunset Shot from the Dock

The last two week ends at the cottage have been classic cottage living.  First Mark, Brenda and Melissa joined us for a hot weekend in mid July.  And this past weekend we hosted Alain and Christine. Again it was ideal cottage weather.  We are making up for last year when the weekends seemed to bring out clouds and rain.  The hot summer has brought us sunsets like we haven't seen before. Normally, the sun just drops behind the hills to the west and often in a sheild of dull clouds.  Not this year. Our niece Melissa took these pictures from our dock on Saturday, July 16th, putting the Sunset Channel to shame.  

Monday, July 11, 2011

2011: Mastering the Cotttage Life

It's our third summer as cottage owners and we're settling in to the cottage life nicely, enjoying the results of our efforts to achieve the essential comforts. You could say we're hitting our stride as cottagers.

This was the first spring with our fridge and stove. The stove in particular is a life saver during bug season. I no longer have to serve up a meal to mosquitos when going outside to cook on the campstove or BBQ.  And setting up the water system I devised last year went surprisingly well. I wore the mosquito net jacket back in mid May to install and connect the water tank (rain barrel).  Between the new stove and the netted jacket, I'm starving those 'skiters.