Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Makeover for Man's Spa weekend

A new name, a new oath, and a new game, but the same fun with lots of laughs, amazing food and a kick-ash campfire!

On the occasion of the third Man's Spa Weekend, it was re-christened Man's SPArtan weekend. Gives the name a little more testosterone. 

The originator of  our usual oath of secrecy, Billy Two-sheds, wasn't able to make it this year. We hope he's doing well, but in his absence we gave ourselves a licence to modify the oath to: "Whatever happens at Petit Lac Cayamant - I'm telling everybody! (some exceptions apply. see constest rules for details)". 

The new game is called Move that Dock. A team of four guys lift a dock and carry it through the bush and see how far they can go with no one falling down.   It's really fun! We're applying for a patent for the video game version as I write this. There's also a theme song to go with the game that was made up a little after midnight when Tim and his guitar and a bottle of whiskey got everyone singing along and improvising lyrics. There was even a verse expressing admiration of sorts for this blog. Soon, you'll be able to download it on I-tunes.

Between all the craziness, the guys did a lot of work around the place. Thank you! Much appreciated.

This is the dock the lads lifted


After cleaning up the lot, posing where there was a large pile of brush

         Chef Patrick

Tim the music man

                                                             Al the MAN WITH THE AXE
Emad with his London newspaper
We left with more fond memories of great times together. Here's hoping the guys who couldn't be there this year will be back in September 2013. 


Monday, September 10, 2012

Tarzan and Jane Wannabes

A couple of years ago, I noticed a rope hanging from a tree on the shore on the other side of the lake towards the sandy peninsula.  It had been tied very high above the water around a branch of a massive tree. No idea how they did that but it created a great swinging rope. I thought some day we should give it a try. 

On a visit to the cottage in July our nieces Charlotte and Rowan, upon hearing about it, convinced us that day had come. 

There's a natural platform about 6 feet above the water's edge from which you launch yourself over the water and it gets deep fast enough that it's a pretty safe.  It's important to hold on tight though and to let go at the right time, ideally when you've reached the point when you momentarily stop and are about to swing back.

While the girls were brave, they were smart enough to ask uncle Neil to go first so they could be certain the rope and the tree would hold them.  Once that test succeeded, we had lots of fun taking turns dropping off from about six feet above the water into the deep.

Above:  Testing the rope. What are uncles for anyway?

Charlotte and Rowan