Thursday, October 4, 2018

We Got a Shed at the Cottage

That's the title of the original song spontaneously produced around the campfire at Man's Spa 2018 edition.

"We came in from the city...for a really big deal...we had a plan...
We got a shed at the cottage....We got a shed at the cottage..."

Just give a group of guys some wood, some tools and screws and watch how all their cares get tucked away. It's cheaper than therapy.

"We built a woodshed at the cottage..."

The project was pretty simple: a mini-woodshed built with re-purposed materials such as deck railings and left over deck boards.  This year's participants not only built the shed, they sang songs about the shed, they decorated the shed, they designed architectural finishes for the shed and then chopped enough wood to fill the shed. And typically, they added a feature so the shed can also serve as a stand for a video screen that enabled us to watch videos of the campfire the night before in the great outdoors.  That's a lot of fun work and creativity for one weekend.

Shed builders Pat, Bill, Alain, Tim, E and me

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The finished product with seasonal decorations 
Relaxing after a day of shed building

IX at Man's Spa VIII

Sunday Mornin'

Man's Spa VIII (not IIX) had the largest turn out since the first Man's Spa in 2010 and the best weather ever!  Newbies Laddy and Don joined John, Tim, Emad, Pat, Al, Billy and me for this super fun weekend. So total attendance in 2017 was IX!

Other than at our high school reunion 15 years ago, we hadn't seen Laddy in 38 years. So obviously there was a little catching up to do.  We also welcomed Don back to Canada after his last overseas posting (Vienna) as a Foreign Service Officer.

The weather was unseasonably warm and sunny for September 23rd. Seizing this rare fall opportunity, some of us went for three or more cooling dips throughout the days.  The highlight was the kazoo orchestra that accompanied Tim and me to our rendition of Wagon Wheel.  Actually. there was an even greater  highlight.  Hands down, the greatest feat, perhaps in all the history of Man Spas, was the late night interpretive dance by the fire with Emad rotating while raising Tim above his shoulders.  That was one scary and hilarious sight!

On Sunday, Tim, Emad and I were the last to leave. We loaded up the car and went down to the dock for one last swim.  Then the car wouldn't start. and everyone else had already left.  Fortunately, I could hear neighbour Neil's generator going and was able to get a boost and all ended well.

It was great to see everyone. Thanks for coming.
Music in the afternoon at Man's
Spa 2017.