A lighthearted record of life at our off-grid cottage from land purchase in 2007, to construction and gatherings with family and friends.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Pictures on Flickr
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'm here!
Sorry I'm so late, but there wasn't much I could do about it.
I've been standing around in a field south of Ottawa for the last two months, waiting to be delivered.
Early Monday morning I climbed aboard a couple of big trucks for what was to be a three hour trip from Moorewood, Ontario to my new foundation overlooking tranquil Petit Lac Cayamant, in Quebec.
As luck would have it, one of the trucks broke down on highway 416 and part of me had to spend the night in Arnprior, Ontario, while the other part of me made it as far as Bryson, Quebec. Not a comfortable way to spend the night!
Let me tell you a little about myself. I'll try not to sound like I'm bragging.
First, you won't believe how many windows I have. Four really big ones adorn my front wall in my great room with cathedral ceilings. In the back, you'll find three comfy bedrooms for country air induced deep sleeps. There are a lot of things that make me special, but one of the greatest is my screened porch. It lets you enjoy the best of both the indoors and the outdoors all at once. And the interior is finished with the warmth of cedar.
In the meantime, I thought you'd like to see a few pictures of my big arrival.
Backing half of me into position along side the foundation:
I was pushed along these "I" beams and lowered onto the foundation:
My designer poses for his first picture with me..
A patio door will be installed to separate my great room from the screened porch.
And the kitchen area in the great room..
My main entrance on the east side, future site of a deck.
I want to thank all of you who believed in me and sent positive thoughts my way. Check back later to see a video of me crossing the Picanoc River!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Patience Patience ARGH!
So now, we're looking at the possibility of going over the bridge as is, as long as we can get the clearance from the engineer.
If we do, it should all go down - oops - across on November 10th.
Not much more to say except stay tuned...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Some Good News!
Speaking of good news, there are encouraging developments on two fronts of the cottage project:
And I dropped in on Brian, the Secretary of the Property Owners Association, for an update on the bridge situation.
The engineer came to do an inspection yesterday morning and has made specific recommendations for repairs. It seems it should be within the Association's budget but we'll know more on Wednesday when an estimate is expected from a contractor. Both the engineer and the contractor are friends of one of the other property owners and are keen to help. Even better, this contractor might be able to do the work Oct 1st to 3rd, the week before the cottage is to be delivered.
Finally, I wasn't the only one who seemed to think he was alone at our end of the lake yesterday. To reward you for checking in on my blog, I thought I'd share this picture that I took using my telephoto lens of one of our neighbours going for a swim with no clothes on. Those of you who secretly, or not so secretly, appreciate wild and crazy living may be comfortable scrolling down. For others, you may want to stop right here, unless your curiosity is too much to BARE...
Wild and Crazy
Friday, September 19, 2008
Delays - And a Troubled Bridge Over Water
Initially very disappointing, it turns out this may have been a lucky coincidence. You see, when the cement trucks came to pour the concrete foundation, their 32 tons of weight was a big strain on the bridge across the Picanoc river ( see picture in earlier post) and one end of the bridge sunk about 8 inches. An inspection revealed that one of the steel stringers compressed the timbers that make up the crib at that end. It was known that the timbers had suffered water damage over the years and would have to be replaced at some time. But now the repairs need to be done before the crane can cross over to lift the cottage components into place. The good news is that the property owners association, responsible for the bridge, is moving quickly to try to get it fixed and they have some money in reserve for just this eventuality.
Meanwhile, word came today that Guildcrest Homes has started building the cottage in their factory.
If everything goes smoothly, the cottage could be delivered as early as October 6th. Realistically, I'm expecting it to be the week of October 13th.
Stay tuned..
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Some pictures to share
Our daughter Andrea's first visit to the lake - July 2008
Showing off my building permit as we break ground with Doug Zacharias Construction - August 2008
I love old farm buildings. You go by these along highway 301 about 20 kms before the lake.
This was taken from our clearing
No longer Just a Dream
They still have to pour the basement floor. That should be done tomorrow. It is six feet high, and includes a walk-out door on the front. We decided at the last minute to add two small windows for ventilation and some natural light. It will be a great storage space for kayaks, paddles, life jackets, tools and such.
Here are some pictures I took yesterday.
I took this while standing on the front wall, looking towards our driveway
Below, in the foreground you can see one of two sonotubes that will support the screened porch.
This is the front wall of the foundation, where a door will provide direct access from outside.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Ready to paddle into position
The finished product
The rusted sledgehammer - a family heirloom
For more on Dew docks, visit:
First, appologies to all those of you who have been checking for updates only to be disappointed. Things have been moving ahead at a crazy pace over the past few months.
Front elevation: extension on the side is the screened porch with weatherwall windows.
written January 29. 2008
As you can imagine, when you start a project like this, developing completely forested land into a lakeside retreat, planning is important. Obviously, priority number 1 (and number 2, in a manner of speaking) is to build an outhouse.
This seemingly simple endeavour serves as a useful warm-up for building the cottage. Many of the same questions arise. Where to put it? You can’t build it too close to the lake. There are restrictions about that. And you don’t want the outhouse to be where you might ultimately decide to build your cottage! It shouldn’t be the centerpiece of your landscaping when people arrive at your place, but you don’t want it to be so deep in the bush that anyone who needs to use it in the middle of the night will need to wake an escort to guide them (especially when that escort is me!). And then there is that all important decision: build it yourself or hire someone. Well, sometimes you get to do both, as was the case for me.
Early in the spring of 2007, I went to the local library to research plans for building an outhouse. library. I chose a design and adapted it, mainly to simplify it so it would be easier to build. At the same time that I was planning my project, I tried to contact someone in the area of the lake who would be able to come in with a backhoe to dig a good size hole. The soil is very rocky and the project would be completed much more quickly if I could hire someone with the right equipment to do that. When I called one of the local contractors, I was speaking to his son Roger. I explained my project and he told me he could build the outhouse. I asked some questions and he assured me it would be no problem as he had experience building cottages. Well, when he offered to do it for a reasonable price, I decided to go for it. It would save me a lot of work. Besides, if he had experience in construction, how much could he screw up an outhouse project. Well, I was about to find out.
I was pleasantly surprised when Roger called to tell me he had finished the outhouse in mid-June, just a week after I contacted him. I thanked him gratefully and raced up to the lake the next Saturday in excited anticipation of inaugurating our new facility. Now I know I have led a somewhat sheltered life, but every outhouse I had ever been exposed to was situated over a hole in the ground. And I had stipulated in our agreement that the hole should be a minimum of six feet deep. Evidently, Roger thought this feature was optional. The hole was about two feet deep! That was one problem but not the only one, sadly. There were several ..uh .. design flaws. While many of these could be tolerated, a couple would impact directly on the functionality of our new structure. Now, my friend Roger is about my height, 5’8’’, so I was a little more than surprised to find that he had built my outhouse for someone seven feet tall. You see, the toilet seat was so far from the front of the bench that when you sat down you couldn’t bend your knees and your legs had to stick straight out. Obviously, this wouldn’t allow customers to get much traction, to say nothing of the comfort factor. The second major design problem with the outhouse was the floor. Every outhouse I have ever visited had one thing in common: The floor stopped at the bench, allowing for free and unobstructed flow from the seat area down to the hole, whatever the depth of the hole. Our outhouse was very special. We had a complete floor that continued under the bench, right to the back wall. However, in recognition that the building could be used as an outhouse, there was a 12 inch diameter hole cut into the floor more or less positioned below the toilet seat. And to assist with your aim, there was a bucket with the bottom cut out inserted into the hole in the floor - a crude kind of funnel. “Roger” I said, imagining cries of “Daaaaaaaaaaaaad!” when someone failed to hit the target, “I don’t know about your family, but without wanting to be indiscreet, the people in my family aren’t as good an aim as you may have been lead to believe.” So he agreed to make the necessary adjustments. First he moved the toilet seat forward on the bench. He had to improvise some hardware though, as the bolts to secure the seat to the bench broke.
You can see from the picture that this left a potentially dangerous situation. Full marks for creative use of beer caps though!
Then he cut the hole in the floor a little wider and tried to dig the hole deeper – he got to three feet. So eventually I had to take charge. I replaced the bench with the right measurements for the average person. I cut out the floor beneath the seat to allow gravity to make its full unobstructed contribution. Then I found a local resident, Ken, with a backhoe and he came in and dug a proper hole and pushed the outhouse back over it. It wasn’t quite perfect yet though. Digging the hole deeper caused the sides to cave in making the hole wider, so wide that the rear of the outhouse almost fell in the hole. In the end, many people had a hand in this outhouse....project.
Thanks to Billy for helping me clear the path through the mess of fallen trees. No one works harder in the bush than Billy Two Sheds. And thanks to Doug, who helped me secure the building and prevent it from falling into the hole. We finally have a fully functioning facility. I hope you'll make this your excuse to invite yourself up next summer.
Here’s an interesting side note to end this post: Ken, the backhoe owner, turns out to be Tim’s brother in law. And his cottage along the Picanoc River is where Tim and I launched our canoe on my very first trip to the Lake nine years earlier.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Written October 07. 2007
Sorry for the delay in getting back to my blog with the promised "fascinating history". Note to self: when blogging, as in all else, don't oversell. I have been lying awake at night thinking up some history that could live up to the billing. Hopefully, this will have been worth waiting for. But first, thank you to all (two) of you who suggested names for our place in the bush - lot 30. We are also considering Tom's suggestion, the MONEY PIT, which didn't register when he wrote it. He is proving to be closer to the truth than I care to admit. We've paid our first property tax bill and association dues. We acquired a shed/outhouse and a picnic table that would just knock your socks off - the picnic table I mean! Anyhow, the jury is still out on the name so keep those creative juices flowing and those suggestions coming. BTW, you can enter as many times as you wish.
Ah now for some history.
After the glaciers retreated at the end of the last ice age...
Although the deal was only finalized in April 2007, we were able to have a driveway and clearing made in the fall of 2006. I had to leave the house at 4 a.m. to meet the machine operator at 6 a.m. because they were leaving the area at 10 a.m.
It was amazing to see this powerful machine accomplish so much in the 4 hours with the big shovel.
This spring, Barb found a large deer antler sticking up through the thin layer of snow in the middle of our clearing, surely a good omen. We've had a lot of fun at the lake already, with friends Barb and Doug and our nieces Rowan and Charlotte visiting this year.
Rowan and Charlotte came up for a day in September, 2007.
Sisters comtemplating nature
We brought our canoe to the lake in the fall of 2006 and in 2007 we bought two kayaks, all of which have been used extensively this year.
Barb tests the waters in spring
Greg explores the beach after paddling to the peninsula
Barb and Doug's almost synchronized paddling.
Did I mention Hammock Time!?
And oh yes, we had an outhouse built this year, an adventure that deserves a separate posting - coming soon.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
First, You Buy a Lot
This was taken from the middle of the lot looking towards the lake. The lot is unusually flat for the area and slopes gently near the water.
This was taken in August 2006 when good friends Tom and Joy came up for a day and brought their tandem kayak. This sand bar, about a 15 minute paddle from lot 30, is one of four or five natural beaches around the lake.
About three kilometers before arriving at lot 30, you cross the Picanoc river. This was taken from the bridge.