Sunday, September 7, 2008

No longer Just a Dream

No longer just a dream. No longer just a drawing. We have something concrete. They poured the foundation this past week and I went up to do an inspection yesterday. Seeing the base for our cottage makes all the ideas, concepts and drawings start to come to life. And just two weeks from tomorrow, on September 22nd, we will see the cottage lifted into place.

They still have to pour the basement floor. That should be done tomorrow. It is six feet high, and includes a walk-out door on the front. We decided at the last minute to add two small windows for ventilation and some natural light. It will be a great storage space for kayaks, paddles, life jackets, tools and such.

Here are some pictures I took yesterday.

I took this while standing on the front wall, looking towards our driveway

Below, in the foreground you can see one of two sonotubes that will support the screened porch.

This is the front wall of the foundation, where a door will provide direct access from outside.

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