Sunday, September 25, 2011

Small Steps

This year hasn't been a banner year for progress at the cottage.  We started off the spring by painting the front room and one of the bedrooms.   Tim helped me cap the unfinished drywall corners of the bulkhead  where the two sections of the cottage come together to form the cathedral ceiling in the great room. It was a very hot day in June and even hotter at the top of the ladders up near the apex of the ceiling. When we were done we didn't need anyone to tell us to go jump in the lake.

I suppose the limited progress, despite the many weekends we spent at the cottage, is a sign that we're letting ourselves enjoy the place and that we have reached a level of comfort where the pressure is off little - both good things.

Here you see the New Growth (that's the colour of the paint).  Brenda kindly donated the pictures on the wall which suit the decor perfectly.

This is the result of an afternoon of teamwork with Tim (could be the title of a home improvement show)
We capped the corners with knotty pine to match the trim of the windows and doors. A big thank you to Emad who let me borrow his truck while he was in England in June so I could transport my laddder and the boards from town.

The rest of the painting will probably wait till next year at this point.  That will give us lots of time to think about colours - yeah.

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