Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Man's Spa X - The Finale

Finally, a roman numeral I can easily remember!  2019 marked the tenth annual Man's Spa. We had to move the date up so we could squeeze it in before the cottage was sold.  There was the usual great feast, drinks and music late into the night, but also lots of reminiscing with stories of past Man's Spas. We've built quite a history of good times together! I was left with a satisfying sense of closure and comforted by Billy's plan to carry on with the Man's Spa tradition at his cottage starting in the fall of 2019.

These guys are great friends. They helped a lot at the cottage over the years and I am most appreciative.  I've known them all since high school and some of them since kindergarten. How many people in their retirement are hanging out with friends they've know since they were five years old?

Tim, Billy, Laddy and me on the dock

Al, me and Billy trying to mask the melancholy

From the time of his first visit, Al had a special fondness for the place. Here he is stretching out on the dock, taking in the surroundings for the last time. 

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