Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Signs of the Times at the Cottage

One day in June of 2019, I realized we've acquired quite a collection of signs around the cottage. Here are some of my favourites....

This Welcome sign was a gift from Laura. She knows I have a thing about moose. 

This was a retirement gift from Mark and Brenda. I have followed these instructions many times.

Fortunately, this never happened, but they were hard at work. Thanks Lise.

This fridge magnet was a perfect gift from sis BA. Good one.

 WHAT? Yep. I know this last one is a surprise. It's hard to believe we've reached this point, but it has been over ten years since we built the cottage. There have been many great memories created there, but after long deliberation, we've made the painful decision to move along to make way for other adventures.

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