Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Pics of 2019

These pictures were taken during that last couple of weeks before we closed up the cottage for the last time and handed the keys to the new owners.

The Rose doesn't like waiting on shore when barb is out in the kayak

Looks like pretty serous discussion between two of the lads at Man's Spa 2019

Catch the colours in the water

Evening paddle with Greg

There have been hundreds of cottage projects over the years. Many were described in posts to this blog. For the record, this was the last cottage project: fixing a cracked dust pan with duct tape. I was quite happy with the results. Not all cottage projects turned out so well. Contact me if you would like detailed instructions for this one. 

Rose will miss the freedom. We''ll try to make up for it with more visits to the dog park  

Our last time on the dock
Correction: that was our second last time on the dock

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